Librarian, Semi Professional Assistant (Library), Library Assistant & Library Attendant posts at P.G.D.A.V. College (Eve.) on permanent basis

 P.G.D.A.V. College (Eve.)
(University of Delhi)
Nehru Nagar, New Delhi – 110065

 Online applications are invited in the prescribed format for the posts of Librarian, Semi Professional 

Assistant (Library), Library Assistant & Library Attendant  on permanent basis in the pay band plus grade pay as per VII pay commission. at P.G.D.A.V. College (Eve.)

Post Name: Librarian 

Academic Pay Level: 10 (Pay Scale Rs. 57700-182400)

Total Post : 01 (Reserved for V.I. (LV) category only)


a) A Master’s Degree in Library Science/Information Science/Documentation Science or an equivalent

professional degree with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading

system is followed) and a consistently good academic record with knowledge of computerization of library.

b) Qualified in the National Level Test conducted for the purpose by the UGC or any other agency approved

by the UGC.


I. The Candidates, who are or have been awarded a Ph.D. Degree in accordance with the University Grants Commission

(Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of Ph.D. Degree) Regulation – 2009, shall be exempted from the

requirement of the minimum eligibility condition of NET for recruitment and appointment of University Assistant

Librarian / College Librarian.

Provided further, the award of degree to candidates registered for the M.Phil. / Ph.D. programme prior to 11 July

2009, shall be governed by the provisions of the then existing Ordinances / Bylaws / Regulations of the Institutions

awarding the degree and the Ph.D. candidates shall be exempted from the requirement of NET for recruitment and

appointment of University Assistant Librarian / College Librarian subject to the fulfillment of the following


a. Ph.D. degree of the candidate awarded in regular mode only;

b. Evaluation of the Ph.D. thesis by at least two external examiners;

c. Open Ph.D. viva voce of the candidate had been conducted;

d. Candidate has published two research papers from / based on his / her Ph.D. work, out of which at least one must

be in a referred journal;

e. Candidate has made at least two presentations in conferences / seminars, based on his / her Ph.D. work.

(a) to (e) as above are to be certified by the Vice-Chancellor / Pro Vice-Chancellor / Dean (Academic Affairs) / Dean

(University Instructions)

Post Name: Semi Professional Assistant

Pay Level: 05 (Pay Scale Rs. 29200-92300)

Total Post: 01 (UR)


1. Graduate in Arts/Science/Commerce or any otherdiscipline OR any other higher qualification.

2. B. Lib. Sc./B.L.I. Sc.

3. Course in computer application at Graduate or PGlevel or 6 months. Computer course from a

recognized/registered institution.

Maximum Age Limit: 30 years (Age relaxation will be allowed as per the guidelines of University of Delhi). 

Post Name: LIBRARY ASSISTANT Pay Level: 04 (Pay Scale Rs. 25500-81100)

Total Post: 01 (UR)


1. Passed Sr. Secondary or equivalent examination conducted by State Board of Education/University/Govt.

recognized institutions.

2. Certificate in Library Science/Library and Information Science from a recognized institution;

3. Computer Course at Sr. Secondary Level or Basic Course in Computer Science/Word Processing from a

recognized/registered Institution.


1. Secretarial Jobs: Performing the administrative jobs in respective units, like secretarial jobs, dairy, dispatch,

recording of files, maintenance of files and records; typing and cutting of stencils, data entry work, and

attending to jobs at Banks, Post Offices, Departments, Administrations, Finance etc.

2. Display: books, newspapers, periodicals (both loose and bound volumes) and new arrivals, documents in

other media.

3. Shelf rectification: Putting and rectifying books, periodicals (both loose and bound volumes), and documents

in other media, according to classification scheme followed in the Library.

4. Performing the Data Entry Operation;

5. Assist user in searching books and periodicals (both loos and bound volumes), and documents in other media

and finding/tracing of misplaced books and periodicals (both loose and bound volumes).

6. Library services for users with special needs;

7. Preparation of books, periodicals, newspapers and other documents including searching out the damaged

books and periodicals for binding;

8. Physical preparation of books, bound volumes of periodicals, newspapers, and documents in other media:

Depending on the requirements, writing on the book plate, book tag, due date slip, spine tag etc.

9. Performing the job of Xeroxing, preparing sets of cyclostyled/Xeroxed copies of sets documents for


10. Performing the Scanning work and attending to e- mails;

11. Printing of bar code labels and magnetic ships etc.

12. Covering and removing the dust covers from the computers while closing and opening the Library Unit,

section respectively.

13. Performing other library oriented jobs such as printing multiple library catalogue cards, charging/discharging

books and periodicals manually and through Integrated Online Membership and Circulation System,

recording overdue books, issue of reader’s tickets and cards writing work and other jobs related to library

books and journals.

14. Performing holiday and weekend and shift duties.

15. All other such jobs as may be assigned from time to time.

Maximum Age Limit: 30 years (Age relaxation will be allowed as per the guidelines of University of Delhi)


 Pay Level: 01 (Pay Scale Rs. 18000-56900)

Total Post: 04 (2-UR & 2-OBC)


1. Passed 10th or equivalent examination from any State Education Board or Government recognized


2. Certificate in Library Science/Library & Information Science from a recognized Institution.


Computer as a subject at Secondary level or Basic coursein Computers from any Institution.


The incumbent is generally expected to undertakethe following duties:-

1. Dusting: books, periodicals (both loose and bound volumes), documents in other media, shelves, chairs, tables,


2. Shelving and Display: books, newspapers, periodicals (both loose and bound volumes) and new arrivals,

documents in other media.

3. Assist in Opening / Closing of the Library;

4. Manning the Check Point/ Property Counter;

5. Shelf rectification: Putting, rectifying and shifting of books, periodicals (both loose and bound volumes), and

documents in other media, the signage according to classification scheme followed in the library.

6. Arrangement of chairs, tables in respective units, sections and in the reading halls.

7. Assisting users in searching books, periodicals (both loose and bound volumes), and documents in other media

and finding /tracing of misplaced books and periodicals (both loose and bound volumes) etc.

8. Library services for users with special needs;

9. Physical preparation of books, bound volumes of periodicals, newspapers, and documents in other media:

Depending on the requirements stamping, opening of the packets, pasting, book plate, book label, book pocket,

book tag, due date slip and writing on the spine tags.

10. Undertaking Xeroxing work, preparing sets of cyclostyled / Xeroxed copies of sets documents for circulation;

11. Shifting of books and periodicals, and documents in other media from respective sections to the Stacks and

other places.

12. Searching out the damaged books and periodicals, mending them and preparing them for binding;

13. Pasting of bar code labels and magnetic strips on books, periodicals etc.

14. Covering and removing the dust covers from the computer while closing and opening the library unit, section


15. Collection of parcels from Rail, Road and Air etc.

16. Attending to administrative and financial jobs in respective units, sections (e.g. attending to jobs at Bank/Post

Office/Departments & Administration, Finance, dispatch, messenger’s job etc.)

17. Attending holiday and weekend and shift duties.

18. All other such jobs and duties as the case may be assigned from time to time even in other spheres of

functioning of the institution concerned.

Maximum Age Limit: 30 years (Age relaxation will be allowed as per the guidelines of University of Delhi)

Last Date : 10, August, 2022. 

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