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What is the education of library and information science?

Library and Information Science (LIS) is a field of study that deals with the organization, management, and dissemination of information and knowledge in various formats, including books, journals, electronic resources, and multimedia. It is an interdisciplinary field that draws from various disciplines, such as information science, computer science, management, and social sciences. The education of

What is the education of library and information science? Read More »

One Week Advanced Training Programme (ATP) on Open Source Software for Teaching and Research (in Virtual Mode) from 21st to 26th August 2023

Sir/Madam, AlU -Academic and Administrative Development Centre (AADC), Berhampur University in Collaboration with the Association of Indian Universities (AlU) and Department of Library and Information Science, BU is organizing One Week Advanced Training Programme (ATP) on Open Source Software for Teaching and Research (in Virtual Mode) from 21st to 26th August 2023. A flier of

One Week Advanced Training Programme (ATP) on Open Source Software for Teaching and Research (in Virtual Mode) from 21st to 26th August 2023 Read More »

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