Librarian post at Army Public school

 Librarian Post at Army Public school, Cantt Saugor – 470001 (MP). 

Post Name : Librarian
Age Limit : 45 Years
Salary : As per AWES Rules and             Regulations


B. Lib. Science or Graduate with Diploma in Library Science from a recognised Institute with computer literate.


Minimum 4 Years experience.

General Instructions

1) Interested Candidates can downloaded form from School website.

2) Only hard copy of application will be considered.

3) Last date for submission of application form alongwith photocopies of all certificates on dated 23-03-2022.

4) Tentative Date and time of interview : 26-03-2022, at 8:00 AM onwards.

> More details kindly visit School website 👉 Click here

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