Maharashtra SET Exam (MAH-SET) 2020 – Library & Information Science Quiz 

Maharashtra SET Exam (MAH-SET) 2020 – Library & Information Science Quiz


Maharashtra Set Exam (SET) 2020 Quiz Solved Library & Information Science

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MAH - SET Exam 2020 Quiz 

Library and Information Science
Paper II


1. In historical research, the evaluation carried out to test the authenticity of the source document is referred to as :

2 / 80

2. Identify correct sequence of the Steven’s four levels of measurement scales :

3 / 80

3. Match the following :
List I                                                                          List II
(a) Logical theory of Information                    (i) Richard Saul Wurman
(b) Informatik                                                     (ii) Calvin Mooers
(c) Information retrieval                                  (iii) Charles Sanders Pierce
(d) Information Architect                                (iv) Karl Steinbuch

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4. .................... and .................... aretotally free plagiarism detectionsoftware.
(i) Turnitin
(ii) Viper
(iii) Urkund
(iv) EduBirdie

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5 / 80

5. Arrange the following Conventions/Treatise according to their year of organization/approval :
(i) WIPO Copyright Treaty
(ii) Rome Convention
(iii) Berne Convention
(iv) Universal Copyright Convention
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6. Statement (A) : Information is a source of economic and political progress.
Statement (B) : The transmission of information may be disturbed by some external noise.
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7. Statement (A) : The term ‘Informatik’ is coined by Karl Steinbuch in 1957.
Statement (B) : The ‘logical theory of information’ is developed by Charles Sanders Peirce.
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8. Raw, unorganized, unprocessed and unevaluated facts are known as ...................... .

9 / 80

9. Prepare a national census of all libraries in India is a recommendation of ..................... .

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10. Who was the chairman of National Knowledge Commission ?

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11. Which User Education Programmes was initiated for underdeveloped countries by UNESCO ?

12 / 80

12. Who was the pioneer of Social Libraries in USA ?

13 / 80

13. Which Notable Gift collection in National Library, Kolkata cover the whole gamut of subjects ?

14 / 80

14. Match the following :
List I                                List II
(a) ALA                          (i) 1926
(b) IASLIC                   (ii) 1933
(c) ASLIB                    (iii) 1955
(d) ILA                        (iv) 1876
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15 / 80

15. Which are the types of Literacies ?
(i) Digital Literacy
(ii) Computer Literacy
(iii) Information Literacy
(iv) Literary Warrant
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16. Which committees were appointed to look into the working of the Public Libraries in England ?
(i) Adams Committee
(ii) Mitchell Committee
(iii) Barry Committee
(iv) Tilden Committee
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17. Which of the following signify the concept of a user ?
(i) Member
(ii) Proprietor
(iii) Customer
(iv) Client
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18. Arrange the following concepts related with Information Literacy in logical order :
(i) Evaluate
(ii) Identify
(iii) Locate
(iv) Effective use
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19. Arrange the following Library Networks in order of their establishment :
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20. Arrange the following ancient libraries in order of their origin with the help of codes given below :
(i) Library of Ashurbanipal
(ii) Library of Celsus
(iii) Library of Pergamum
(iv) Villa of the Papyri
Codes :

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21. Assertion (A) : The profession of Library and Information Science is under tremendous pressure.
Reason (R) : The application of various kinds of technologies in professional activities has widened.
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22. Assertion (A) : User studies are useful in bridging the gap between the kind of information services needed and the kind of services in existence.
Reason (R) : User studies are not needed for the creation of information systems, services and product.
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23. INFOMINE is a ......................... .

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24. ‘Embase’ database provides information of .................... .

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25. JSTOR is an online system for archiving and accessing academic journals, books and primary sources which is located in .................. .

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26. DOAJ is ...................... .

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27. Which one of the following are correct ?

(i) Tertiary sources – New knowledge is first reported
(ii) Primary sources – Don’t contain new information
(iii) Reference sources – Don’t warrant continuous reading
(iv) Secondary sources – Assist in locating primary sources
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28. Assertion (A) : LISA is a source of primary information.
Reason (R) : All primary sources provide ‘original’ information.
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29. Assertion (A) : Users can have access to large number of E-journals through consortia.
Reason (R) : Most users are not adequately aware of web-resources.
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30. Arrange the following publications according to their year of first publications :
(i) Encyclopaedia Britannica
(ii) Encyclopaedia Americana
(iii) Mc Graw Hill Encyclopaedia of Science and Technology
(iv) Encyclopaedia of Library and Information Science
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31. ‘‘National Union Catalogue of Scientific Serials in India’’ is compiled and maintained by ......... .

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32. ‘CAPS’ developed by NISCAIR is related to ..................... .

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33. Cover to cover translation service comes under which of the following type of service ?

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34. NISCAIR is formed by merging of which organisations noted below ?
(ii) ICSSR
(iii) NISCOM
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35. Which of the following are anticipatory services ?
(i) Newspaper Clippings
(ii) Reference Service
(iii) Indexing Service
(iv) Document Delivery Service
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36. Statement (A) : Web 1.0 is ‘‘Read only web’’.
Statement (B) : ‘Skype’ is an example of Web 1.0.
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37. Statement (A) : Abstract saves time of users while selecting literature for research.
Statement (B) : Abstract is a condensation service which provides summaries of original documents.
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38. Match the following :
List I                                                List II
(a) William Katz                          (i) To provide the right book to right reader in right personal way.
(b) Dr. S.R. Ranganathan         (ii) Direct personal aid within the library to person in search of information for whatever purpose.
(c) Grieg Aspnes                          (iii) Reference service is divided into two categories viz. Direct and Indirect.
(d) Margaret Hutchins              (iv) To supply its users with all information at lowest possible cost.

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39. Match the following :
List I                                            List II
(a) Abstracting service              (i) SCI
(b) Translation service             (ii) INB
(c) Bibliographical service      (iii) LISA
(d) Indexing service                 (iv) ITC

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40 / 80

40. Match the following :
List I                              List II
(a) IFLA                        (i) Science citation index
(b) UNESCO                (ii) First search
(c) OCLC                      (iii) Public library manifesto
(d) ISI                           (iv) Universal availability of publications

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41. NISCAIR is part of :

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42. Who publishes ‘Indian Library and Information Science Abstracts’ ?

43 / 80

43. ‘Universal Bibliographic Control’ is a programme of :

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44. Worldcat is maintained by ........... .

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45. Identify the correct chronological order in which the following are set up :
(i) ILA
(iii) APLA
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46. Assertion (A) : You are not allowed to upload videos to YouTube. It is a paid service.
Reason (R) : YouTube is a service of Google.
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47. Assertion (A) : ISSN is the International Numbering system for serials.
Reason (R) : In India ISSN is provided by the Rajaram Mohan Roy Library Foundation.
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48. Which sign is used in UDC to agglomerate non-consecutive subjects ?

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49. Which of the following is formed as a result of Distillation ?

50 / 80

50. Dublin core represents .................. .

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51. Metadata is a ..................... .

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52. The OCLC research project FAST is a/an :

53 / 80

53. The kinds of mnemonics are :
(a) Scheduled mnemonics
(b) Special mnemonics
(c) Seminal mnemonics
(d) Systematic mnemonics
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54. Identify the correct statement : EAD is a metadata standard which has the following characteristics.
(a) Standard for encoding archival finding aids
(b) Uses XML in archival and manuscript repositories
(c) Implements recommendations of International Council of Archives
(d) The scheme is maintained by DDI Alliance
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55. Arrange the following ISBDs as per their year of publication :
(a) ISBD (M)
(b) ISBD (S)
(c) ISBD (CM)
(d) ISBD (CF)
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56. As per ISO-2709 the sequence of elements in bibliographic record structure is :
(a) Directory
(b) Data fields
(c) Record label
(d) Record separator
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57. Match the following :
List I                                                      List II
(a) Train of characteristics              (i) A basic class with one or more isolate idea
(b) Facet                                             (ii) Component of facet
(c) Isolate                                          (iii) Totality of divisions produced by a chain of characteristics
(d) Unitary class                              (iv) A set of characteristics having categorized relationship

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58. Match the following :
List I                                        List II
(a) Richardson                      (i) Principles of book classification
(b) Hulme                             (ii) Canons of classification
(c) Sayers                              (iii) Prolegomena to library classification
(d) Ranganathan                (iv) Classification : Theoretical and Practical

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59. Assertion (A) : ‘‘Canon of helpful sequence’’ states that the sequence of the classes in an array of classes and of the ranked isolates in an array of ranked isolates, should be helpful to the purpose of those for whom it is intended.
Reason (R) : Different schemes for classification be designed to suit each individual user.
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60. Assertion (A) : POPSI is an indexing system.
Reason (R) : It is used for the preparation of index to CC. Select the correct answer from the codes given below :
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61. Assertion (A) : RDA is a new content standard for cataloguing and replaces AACR2.
Reason (R) : AACR2 is not a content standard.
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62. Flow diagram, PERT and CPM are known as the techniques of ......... .

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63. Theory X and Theory Y were profounded by :

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64. Edward Deming was .................... .

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65. Assertion (A) : There is no difference between information management and knowledge management.
Reason (R) : Information and knowledge are sometimes used synonymously.

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66. Assertion (A) : Social networking tools are effective for marketing of library products and services.
Reason (R) : They help to reach out users anywhere and at any time.
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67. Match the following :
List I                                                                        List II
(a) Fumigation                                                    (i) Acquisition
(b) Building library collection                         (ii) Preservation
(c) Kardex system                                              (iii) Reference service
(d) Information desk                                        (iv) Recording of periodicals
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68. Inserting spurious data or information into an organization’s system to disrupt or overload services is called .................. .

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69. Arrange the following measures according to their Bytes contained in them :
(i) Exabyte
(ii) Yottabyte
(iii) Zettabyte
(iv) Petabyte
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70. Arrange the following steps in programming in a proper logical sequence :
(i) Program code
(ii) Program documentation
(iii) Program test
(iv) Program design
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71. Assertion (A) : Search engines search documents for specified keywords, and returns a list of documents where the keywords were found.
Reason (R) : Spider helps the search engines to index the documents.
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72. Assertion (A) : Proxy server does not act as an intermediary between a computer and the internet.
Reason (R) : Proxy server ensures security, administrative control and cache.
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73. Which of the following facets are associated with the session layer ?
(i) Dialog control
(ii) Token Management
(iii) Semantics of the information transmitted
(iv) Synchronization
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74. An attempt to make computer resources unavailable to its intended user is called :

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75. Which layers of the OSI reference
model are host to host layers ?
(i) Transport layer
(ii) Network layer
(iii) Session layer
(iv) Data link layer
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76. Program which is used to control system performance is classified as ....................... .

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77. In Ring Topology, the data can be transmitted only if the computer possesses ...................... .

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78. LOCKSS is an initiative of which university ?

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79. Which ‘‘V’’ of Big Data is concerned with the usefulness of data ?

80 / 80

80. Position Detection pattern are arranged at .................. corners of the QR code

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