Colon Classification


Colon Classification

Dr. S.R. Ranganathan was the founder of “Colon
Classification”. Colon Classification is known as ‘analytico Synthetic Scheme’.
It is also described as “Freely Faceted Scheme”.

The 1st 
edition of colon classification was published in 1933 and up to now 7th
edition of colon classification have been published ( 1987).

 First Edition of
Colon Classification in 1933

It is used only ‘Six general laws and ‘five laws
of library science’.

  : (colon) was used to ‘combine together
different facets’.

   First edition of Colon Classification’s there
has 3 parts.

             1) 127 pages of rules explaining the underlying

      II    2) 135 pages of schedules.

    III.   3) 106 Pages of Index.

 Mixed Notation was used in Colon Classification.

Second Edition of Colon Classification in 1939

The 4th part was added which
contained about 3000 examples which were illustrative of the rules given in the
1st part.

2nd edition 4 parts given bellow

Rules of Classification

Schedules of Classification

Index of the Schedules

Examples of call numbers  (Added)

 The main class Mysticism was
introduced which was represented by Greek Letter ‘Delta’.

Third edition of colon classification 1950 ( After 11 Year)

The Postulates of Five Fundamental categories were
introduced for the first time.

Fundamental Category Indicator Digit
Personality , [Comma]
Matter ; [Semi-Colon]
Energy : [Colon]
Space . [Dot]
Time ‘–‘ [Inverted Comma]

Ø  Rounds
and Levels

§  Round






§  Level














Ø  Main






4th edition and 5th edition of
colon classification in 1952 and 1957

 6th edition of colon classification in

Ø  Other
changes brought out in colon classification in 6th edition were
reported in the “Annexure” of reprints [1961, 1969 and 1970].

Ø  Changing
of connecting symbol for ‘time’   from ‘Dot
[.]’ to a single inverted comma [‘].

7th Edition of Colon Classification
Published in 1987

Ø  Title
: – Colon Classification by S.R. Ranganathan, 7th Edition (Basic and
Depth Versions)

Ø  Volume
1st  Schedules for
classification. It was revised and edited by M.A. Gopinath.

The present Volume of Colon Classification 7th
edition is comprised of 8 parts

Part A : Introduction

Part B : Guidance to the beginner

Part C : General Rules.

Part D : General Divisions and common

Part E : Special Isolate

Part F : Index

G : Schedules of classes

Part H : Index to Schedules of classes 


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• A Biography of Dr. S.R. Ranganathan

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